Great Material for Use in the Interior – Bamboo. IT Will Make Many Interesting and Unusual Things from It, It Will Help To Diversify the Design and Give Personality to the Interior.As BCON/ Stroitelstvo-Domov-Iz-Kedra/ Bamboo Tells Us, You Can Make Decreens for Separating Space, Build a Locker Room Its, Collect a Decorative Curtain.
You can Build a Small Table from the Bamboo, Make a Chair, A Curtain On the Window. It is Easy to Build a Canopy, A House for Children’s Games, A Gazebo for Evening Tea Drinking.
In Addition, The Material Is Successfully Used To Decoate Walls, Ceiling, From Ity Make Parquet, Panels and Siding, Wallpaper.
Separate Bamboo Stalks Can Be Used AS Decoats, IT Will Look Interesting Against the Background of A Light Wall. It is ALSO Convenent to Use it as a support for clambing plants.
The Advantages of Bamboo Ar that it is Natural Material, Its Not Evapora Hazardous Substances, It CanD Used in the House of Allergies. The Use of Bamboo Creates a Special Atmosphere of Heat and Comfort.
For decoration, a Bamboo Canvas Iso Used – It is Creed Using Thin Racks Glood on the Basis.
You can Put Bamboo Rugs on the Cold Floor, It’s Nice to Walk on Them and They Retain Heat. The Material is Durable, Resistance to Moisture and Deformation, Harmful Microorganisms Do Not Settle On IT.
Natural Fabrics, Rattan, Cork, Wicker Products from Willow Are Combined with Bamboo, Natural Colors in Wall Painting.