The word “caisson” came to us from the French language. Translated, it means “capacity” or “box”. This is a design isolated from water, which is installed in wet ground. Simply put, this is a waterproof container of a certain shape.
The arrangement of a cesson cellar.
Today, the use of caissons is quite extensive. Use them for arrangement in basements and cellars. It will exist perfectly in a garage cellar. It will be well preserved vegetables or fruits, as well as various homemade salt. To make a viewing hole in the garage with your own hands – the question is very relevant!
Cesson’s device is not at all complicated: everything is more than clear and logical. Basic elements: camera, its waterproofing and a special structure located above the caisson.
Often the caisson at the base has a round shape. Manufacturers assure that at a height of two meters and a diameter of one meter, optimal conditions are achieved, since there is a lot of places for storage, and a minimum is consumed excess material.
Waterproofing in the caisson protects it from moisture penetration. Waterproofing on the outer walls is applied. For these purposes, a hot asphalt or bitumen-bandage solution, or various bitumen mastics, is used. A layer of thermal insulation is also applied, having previously cleansed the surface of contaminants.
Types of caissons intended for garages.
Each of the caissons below can be purchased and installed independently. If there is a desire and tools, it can be made by yourself. Not all of them are convenient in installation – here already choose yourself.
Cesson from concrete
Cesson made of metal
Cesson based on plastic
Before installing the cesson in the garage, you must weigh all the pros and cons of. It is best to use this device if you have a capital garage.The optimal conditions in the cesson garage are a plus temperature of about 1-5 degrees and a moisture content of 70-80 percent.
The pluses of the cesson cellar in the garage.
Basically, when equipping a cellar in the garage, one of the options is used: a hole lined with brick, or a cellar cesson. It should be noted that it has one undeniable plus for the cellar: it will protect your blanks in the case of moisture or water.
Cesson in the garage with your own hands is quite simple, but with the right design, he can serve for a long time.Of course, the caisson must withstand the loads from all sides. If the walls turn out to be too thin, then they can simply “develop” due to high pressure.
For the safety of products in the caisson, high -quality ventilation is required. In addition, you should pay attention to maintaining the optimal temperature regime and humidity level.
When using a metal caisson, which was poorly welded, the process of destruction from corrosion will begin to develop very quickly, as a result of which water will seep through it. Therefore, the metal should be well processed with special products for corrosion.
Video – Cesson installation
Good luck!