All the tiles existing today can be divided into several of the following groups: ceramic granite (porcelain tile), clinker, cotto, single -burning and biased tiles.
Porcelain stoneware is one of the latest technologies for the production of facing material. It is carried out by mixing two or more varieties of high -quality clay, a field spar and coloring pigments of exclusively natural origin. As a result, after baking the mixture, it turns out a vitrified and incorrect very durable material that imitates a pattern of almost any stone. The composition of such tiles does not include granite at all.
Clinker – tiles with a compacted base and a single firing. It happens both glazed and unglazed. It is obtained by pressing or extrusion – extrusion through a special form. Firing is carried out at a very high temperature, due to which the material begins to have high technical characteristics. Thanks to extrusion, such tiles can have a most diverse geometric shape. The tile has high wear resistance in different operating conditions. At the same time, the tile clinker is practically not undergoing strong changes when interacting with a large number of chemical reagents. It is often used for lining of floor and walls at industrial facilities, pools, when facing facades of structures and buildings.
Cotto is one of the oldest technologies for the production of porous tiles. In the manufacture, use red clay with single firing. The form of the tile is given by means of using extrusion. In color, these are tiles of different shades of brown, red, sometimes even yellow.
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Porcelain tile as facing material
The building materials market is already overflowing with a variety of materials that allow you to make a house, office and any other room or construction absolutely unique and unique. This also applies to facing materials. Among the all kinds of facing plates from a wide range of materials, ceramic granite began to occupy a special place.
Choosing a tree for your home
To build a residential building, you can choose any breeds of trees, the most important thing is to choose a healthy wood. At least there is an opinion according to which only coniferous breed should be chosen for the house. It includes larch, pine, cedar and spruce.
Choose facade paint
If you are going to paint something, focus not only on what color you want to see on your walls, but also on the properties and features of the painted wall. Better yet, ask for advice from a specialist, he will help you choose the type of paint. Oil paints. Some of the cheapest ones are used most often in order to paint a tree.