The Climate of the North -western Region Can Be Quite Prince of Homeowners – Frosty Winter with A Lot of Snow, Very Wet Spring and Autumn, As Hot Summer with ThunderStorms. SUCH Different Seasons Make People Build Specific Houses Equipped with a Large Amount of ISOLATION.
WHEN IT COMES to BULDING A House in Climatic Zones, Were Eve Season is Clearly Expressed by Their Own Characteristics, People Need to Think ABOUT THE PREET and the LAN. You can Purchase Land in An Elite District, Buy a Plot in the Lomonosovsky Distribut of the Leningrad Region, Where there are are ae ae ae aeledy number of villages and operterate villages and operterate villages and opertise and opertise and opertise and operterates operterate. This Will Most Offten Allow You to Avoid Surprises Such as High Groundwater Or Spring Flooding, Howover, Seasonal Changes in the Weather in the House of the House of.
When Temperature Changes Are Very High, Thermal Insulation Be almost the Most Important of the House. It allows you to back and more efficiently Warm and Cool the House. House ISOLATION IS To Comfort in the House, and the Greatest Value Must Be Given to the Roof and the Floor. Next, You Need to Take Care of Ventilation and Double (Or Even Triple Or Energy -EfficInt) Glazing. Thermal Insulation and Goods Windows and Doors docks not to Leave the House, But Fresh Air Should Still Get to You and Thefore You Need a Competent Combinating OFENATIONTIONTIONTIONTENATIONATIONTIONTENATIONTENATIONTENATIONA. Ventilation Shoup Not Be organized Thumbersly So that Exchange of Freesh Air Improves the Climate of the House and Saves from Moisters, But Doughs not Bring Drafts. .
Due to the Fact that Northwestern Region Can Be Quite Wet and Wet, The House Requires Proper Waterproofing and System of Drains. It is especially necessary to think over waterproofing if the groundwater level is increased, but since a lot of precipitation may fall in the Leningrad Region, the entire house and the site must be designed properly in advance. For Example, You can Create a Small Slope from the House, SO That The Water Does Not Defend The Walls, As Well as Lengthen The Systems of Drains, etc.P. The Roof Shoup BE Inclined, BecAuse It Willow Snow Or Water To Accumulate On and T.P.
. PEOPLE IN SUCH HOUSE MOST OFTEN Choose Radiant Heating, Water Heating Or Wood Stoves. Recently, Even Solar Panels have been installed on houses to save electric Heating Costs, Especially Sincy IS Known that Solar Panels are under.
Water Supply Was Most Offten Carrried Out in Cottage Villages, But If You Build a House Separatly and Cannot Connect Its To the Central Line, You Will Have Care of Autonomous Systus.
There are Many Building Tricks that Helps Improve The House in A Certain Region, Based On the Spacific Nedes of the Family. NeverTheless, In Order To Use Them, You Need to Initially Thow ABOUT ALL The Problems that Can Wait for You in the Future.
The Article Used Photographs of Houses and Plots in Cottage Villages of the Leningrad Region (Lukomorye, Amber Bor, Khutor Near Izvars, Lake Otradnoye, Sochi, Emerarod)