Illinois serves two OF THE BEST DESSERTS in the whole country. As David Spade once told Chris Farley: “I can hear you getting fat.”
When it comes to food, we at Ilinois start with snacks and ALWAYS ask what desserts there are in the establishment before the waiters can offer them.
When you look at the list of the biggest and best desserts across the country, are you surprised that Illinois serves TWO of them?
“Since childhood, dessert retains an unattainable quality. These magical memories of desserts are so strong that young lovers of sweets imagine an adult life that embodies the freedom to adhere to the “eat dessert first” mentality for the rest of the time.” — Mashed
What a FANTASTIC quote, it really hit the mark. It’s the truth. Now that we have become adults, these “inaccessible” foods can be eaten whenever we want, and we do it!
So, let’s grab a spoon or fork, or, hell, use our hands… and dig into these two BEST DESSERTS IN AMERICA that are served in Illinois:
Lime Pie from Bang, Bang Pie and Biscuits in Chicago.
Cake “The Meaning of Life” (Meaning of life). Gibson’s Steakhouse in Chicago. EACH PIECE weighs SIX POUNDS.