To date, there is a huge Selection of Adhesive Foundations, thankh it is Possible to Styling Type of Ceramic Tile. Selecting the Type of Envy of the Size and Weight of the Facing Material. A Material That Serves as the Basis for Which The Material Will Be Performed Plays An Unimportant Role.
Glue Should Be Not Only a Strong, But Also A Moisture -Resistant Gluing Base. Professionals Know that from the Choice of Envy Adhesive The DuraBility of Styling, So First Impression Is that Task Is Not Complicated, Deceining. The Material That is Used for Styling Has a Different Weight: The Granite Tile is Characterized by One Feature: Even With Small Sizes, It Has a Decent Homes. This does not mean that glue Layer Shoup Be Increased, Moreover, Its Consedered a Material to BE Quite Expensive.
How to Choose The Right Glue For Tiles, and At the Same Time Do Not Overpay, But Also Not to Buy a Bad. Glue Shoup Be Moisture Resistant, Well Hold on Complex Surface. Glue Shoup Havy Additives that Serve As Protection Against Mold and Harmful Microorganisms. Glor of Brand C, and C2 AFTER SHRINKAGE OF THE MATERIAL DO NOT Lose Their Properties Due to Elasticity. Marking F Indicates that Material Has the Ability to Quickly Harden, and the Marking Indicated as e MEANS GLUE YOU CAN WORNER FOR A LONGER TIME.
In Order for Even the Heavy Types of Facing Material to Hold Well, The Glue that Has a Mark T, It Guaranteees An Increased CoupeLing with the Basis. Also, Glue Shoup Normallly Spread on the Surface of the Styling. One of the Most Used Adhesives: Cerasitis 11. IS Popular Among Professionals with Its University of Application and Good Technical Characteristics, Which in Practice Have ITS Advantage.