If you decide to make an extension to your house, then the terrace will suit you. The terrace can be made of brick or wood. Before starting construction, it is necessary to decide on the size of the terrace. The length of the extension is usually equal to the length of the wall of the house, and the width is often made in size of 3 meters, which is more convenient for construction.
For the construction of the terrace, a column foundation is suitable. Columns should be laid to a depth of 1- 1.3 meters, above the ground about 50 centimeters. It is better to build the entire structure from the beam. In the window and door openings, it is necessary to install racks on both sides. Windows can be inserted immediately. It is desirable to make the height of the extension from 2 to 2, 5 m. If everything is fixed, then you can start working on installing a roof.
Roof materials: ondulin, metal tile.
Waterproofing is pulled along the columns, the walls are sewn up. Insulate the terrace in one layer, inside and out. Inside the room is sheathed with lining and a layer of vapor barrier. Then the walls are covered with paint, preferably in two layers. The facade of the terrace can be sheathed with siding, brick. Insert the doors. Paul can be laid during the internal “draft” decoration. The floor also do not forget to insulate. It is not difficult to make a terrace yourself without resorting to the help of professionals.