In Order to Finish the Walls of the Room with MDF Panels, It is Necessary to Prepare A Frame from Wooden Racks and Elements of Fastening Panels to the Frame. The Panels Are Mounted On the Rail Horizontally Laid on the Wall, The Distance Between Which DePends of the Panels Themselves.
The Wall Decoration with MDF Panels Begins with the Location of the Most Proteruding Area of the Wall, On First Rail Must Be Fixed with the Help of Screws, Pulling It Tits. The Hats of Self -Tapping Screws Shoup Not Protrude from the Surface of the Rack.
When Installing the Frame, The First Rack is Taken for the Level of the LEVEL, All the Subsequent Are Aligned According to it with the USE of Wood PEGS.
Installation of Panels on the Frame Begins from the Angle of the Room. SINCE THE PANELS HAVE PREPAPARED Spikes and Grooves for Connecting, The Spike of the First Panel From The Side of the Corner. The Second Panel is Installed in the Same Corner, To Adjoing the First, Also with a Spike in the Corner. Before Installing the Second Panel, It is Necessary to Lay A Corner That Closes The Connection Place.
The Mounting of the Panel to the Rails from the Angle is Best Done at a distance that all -to close Holes and Screws with the Edge of the Corner. Installation of Subsequent Panels Ocurs Sequentially, The Connection in the Grooves.