IF Ominous Spots with Stains Appedared from the Ceiling or Plaster, You Need to Engage in WaterprooproProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProProPROOOFINGAS. , Will Entail Corrosion of Metal Parts, Wood Rot, Mechanical Oones Destruption Due to the Intents of Ice and the Whole Bouquet of Trubles. And the Most Unpleasant Thing is that Its Will Inside the House, BecAuse Wet Insulation Copes Very Poorly with Its Tasks.
To bein with, it shoup be understood that Complex Waterproofing with Only the Sealing of Holes and Sealing the Roof Is Not Limiteded. Of Course, The Main Task Is To Protect the Insulation, Rafter Structure and Attic from Snow in Winter and Rain in the Summer. BUT In Addition, Moisture Under the Roof Is Formed from the Side of Residential Premises, is the Result of the Fumes of Wooden Structures and T.D. TheFore, Full -fledged WaterprooproProoprooprooprooping InCloud the Construction of A Vapor Barrier Barrier, As Well as a Though Ventilation, in Will the Moisture Falling Under Falling Under Falling Under.
Briefly, The Waterproofing System Looks Like this: A CRate is Built Under the Roof, On Which a Waterproofing Film Is Installed. A Layer of Insulation is Installed Under the Film, Which is Protected from the Inside with a vapor barrier barrier. A ventilation gap is made between the film and the insulation for the output of moisture, often the insulation layer is also covered with a membrane film, in which moisture is removed from the insulation in one direction. All this Forms The So -called “Roofing Pie”, The Design of Which for Some Developers May Differ Slichtly.
It is noting that the Choice of Materials for Waterproofing The Roof, As Well as Membranes, Is Very Large Today. For Example, if the roof is covered with a metal tile or orth metal coating, The Film Shoup Be Anti -condensate, Otherwise the Roof May From Corrosion. IF Natural Tiles Arews A Roofing, Based on Bitumen Or Ceramics, Diffusion Mambranes Arews Widley Used. ALSO Today, A HUGE SELECTION OFOR BARRIER MATERIALS AND INSULATION – While the Main Criterion When Choosing is the Mass, Quality and Environment Friendlines. REGARDING PRICES, Almost All Materials for Complex Waterproofing Have Aknown Rule: The More Expensive, The Better.
Work on Roof Waterproofing is Best Done in Summer Or Spring, While it is Important to have An Accurate Weather Forecast, Sinse Any Rain Or Wind Can Ruin Everhything. The Air Temperature Shoup Also be High Enough to Exclude the Appension of the Fog in the Morning or Loss of Dew. IF the ROOF is Cold and Without Insulation, The Waterprooprooprooping Can Be Carried Out in the Winter.
roof. The Condition of the Roofing Shoup Also Be Perfect – If there Broken Sheets or Tiles, They Must Be Replaced Or Poured.
With Properly Made Roof Waterproofing in the House, You can live for decades in warmth and tranquoly, Ocasionally Superficially Controling Thestrolling The State of the Roof.