To date, such a situation is taking shape that a rather large part of the apartments in large cities is owned by not one, but two or more people. There are frequent situations when proposals for the sale of not an entire apartment appear on the real estate market, but only its specific part. Why are there such situations in which the owners seek to get rid of their part of the property? Most often, an outsider is possible to redeem the share in the apartment if one of the members of the decayed family decides to go to another place of residence, and his partner is not able to redeem his part. Very often, on the basis of this, one of the former spouses begins to manipulate the second, which is simply tired of the ongoing scandals and eventually sells its share of the dwelling at a very low price. In this case, the interventions of third parties acting according to a similar scenario for their own benefit are also frequent.
The shared method of acquiring their residential corner has both the pros and the cons of. Perhaps the main positive moment is the low cost for the one who acquires housing according to this principle. The negative aspect also lies on the surface and is that the apartment, divided into parts between several owners, turns into a sort of communal apartment, where neighbors often enter into confrontation. Very often, young people who did not manage to accumulate the proper amount for full housing, as well as visiting people who still lived in the hostel, resort to the shared purchase of private property in the form of a part of the apartment. Naturally, for them, such a deal is an excellent and economical version of both registration and a full -fledged own corner in a city apartment, and not a permanent stay in a limbo, when a person lives with parents or forced to languish in a “hostel”.