For some drives of the Main Mechanisms, For Example, for the Drives of Lifting and Turning The Draglain, Its Advisable to Have Area of Restrication of the Moman. In Control Schemes. Using Only Negative Relationships on Weekends, The Indicated Form of Static Characteristics Cannot Be Obtained.
With a cut -off CoEFFICIENT EQUAL To One, The Current FEEDBACK COEFFICIT (In the Circuits with Magnetic and with Potentiometric Cuts) Should Be Infinity. At k0t (. = 0.99 setting and. With. In the Diagram with A Magnetic Cut -off, There Shoup BE 100 Times More. With. Management Corresponding to the Linear are of the characteristics of the amplifier, and in the Diagram with a Potentiometric Cutting, The Current Occurring According To THE POTENTIENTIMETER.99 ShOULD BE 30-40 Times Larger than the Current of the Comparison Potentiometer at Kogs = 0.eight.
This Data, Not to Mention the Fact with Very High Values of the Transmitting CoEfficent of Negative Fedback, The Operation of the Control Bacome Unstable, Contabel.0, But Also The Values of the From 1.0, in the Schems with One Negative Connections, IS an Unrealistic. To obtain static characteristics with a Higher Filling, A Stickt Positback On Voltage May Beglly Applied.
The Possibility of Changing the Filling of Characteristics Using Feedback Butage Is Easiest to Show by the Example of a Magnetic Cutting on Current. If the feedback node is similar to this scheme, the etcation n. With. For Such a Scheme (Assuming Feedback On a Positive Voltage), You can download in the Form of a Negative Connection In Aquation (3-34) Negation Valule Valules.
Given this, USing (3-34, A), YOU CAN ONCE AGAIN MAKE Sure that with An Increase in the Negation CoEFFICIENT OF THE GENERATOR, the StIFFness of the. Indeed, with Growth E. D. With. The Current Generator Decresses The Faster, The Greater The Absolute Value of Ct.
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The first of these respects is determined by the fact that when when the Number of ECG-8 Excavators was…
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